Doing Keyword Research is Necessary for Ranking Fast on Google.

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Doing Keyword Research is Necessary for Ranking Fast on Google.

How to do keyword research.

Doing Keyword Research is necessary for success online especially on Google Search. As we discuss this topic, let's listen to what some important people in the SEO industry have to say.

Neil Patel, who knows a lot about this stuff, says, "Keyword research is the blueprint for your online marketing efforts." Basically, he's telling us that picking the right keywords is like planning the foundation for everything you do online.

Matt Cutts used to be in charge of stopping spam on Google. He tells us, "The objective is not to 'make your links appear natural'; the objective is that your links are natural." This means it's not just about making things look right but actually being authentic and natural when using keywords in your content.

Brian Dean, an expert in SEO, compares keyword research to a compass for your online strategies. He says, "Keyword research is like a compass for your SEO campaigns; it tells you where to go and whether or not you're making progress." So, it's like having a guide that helps you know where you're heading and if you're doing things right.

As we start looking into keyword research in this article by Lawrence Ozeh, the founder of Rankfasta (SEO agency for startups), guided by these experts, we're diving into the details of how to rank fast on Google, Bing, Yahoo, Duckduckgo and other search engines. Every keyword we choose is like adding a stroke to the painting of how noticeable we are on Google Search and other Search Engines.

What is Keyword Research?

Keyword Research is the process of identifying and analyzing specific words or phrases (keywords) that people use in search engines. It helps website owners, content creators, and marketers understand what topics are relevant to their target audience and what terms they should optimize their content for. Effective keyword research can improve a website's visibility in search engine results, driving more organic traffic.

Why is it necessary to do Keyword Research?

Keyword research is really important for the following reasons:

  1. Being Seen and Ranked: If you know the keywords your audience uses in search engines like Google, Microsoft Bing, Duckduckgo, you can make your content better. This makes it more likely that your website will show up higher in search results, so more people can see it.

  2. Staying Relevant: It makes sure your content matches what people are searching for. This is important for getting the right visitors and potential customers to check out your stuff from Google.

  3. Planning What to Write: Keyword research helps you plan what topics and search terms to focus on. This way, you can create content that your audience is interested in, making it valuable and targeted.

  4. Checking Out the Competition: Researching keywords also shows what your competitors are doing. This helps you figure out where you can stand out or what topics might be missing in your content.

  5. Smart Advertising: If you're using paid ads, knowing which keywords work well can help you spend your money wisely. You can target terms that matter to your audience, making your ads more effective.

  6. Understanding User Intent: Knowing why people use specific keywords helps you create content that matches what users are looking for. This makes the overall experience better for the people visiting your site.

Basically, keyword research is like the foundation for making your website more visible online through search engines like Google and Bing, and creating content that people care about.

How to do Keyword Research using practical steps.

Here's a simple breakdown for with practical steps on how to do Keyword Research:

1. Relevance:

  • Define Main Themes: Figure out the main topics of your content, products, or services.

  • Know Your Audience: Learn about your target audience to understand what they need and like.

  • List Relevant Keywords: Make a list of words directly related to your main topics.

2. Search Volume:

  • Use Keyword Tools: Use tools like Google Keyword Planner to see how often people search for certain words.

  • Find a Balance: Look for words that are both relevant and searched for frequently enough.

  • Try Different Words: Experiment with variations of your main keywords to find other options.

3. Competition:

  • Use SEO Tools: Check out tools like SEMrush or Ahrefs to see how many others are using the same keywords.

  • Moderate Competition: Pick keywords with medium competition, especially if your site is new or not very popular.

  • See Top Pages: Look at the top-ranking pages for your chosen keywords to understand what works.

4. LongTail Keywords:

5. Intent:

  • Study User Behavior: Watch how users act to understand why they use specific keywords.

  • Write for Intent: Create content that directly addresses what users want.

  • Use Action Keywords: Put keywords in your content that match what users want to do.

6. Location-Based Keywords:

7. SERP Analysis:

  • Look at Top Pages: Check out the top pages for your keywords in search results.

  • Notice Common Elements: Check what the top ranking pages have in common and use that in your strategy.

  • Add Value: Make your content better by giving more useful info than the top pages.

8. Seasonality:

9. User Language:

10. Keyword Variations and Synonyms:

  • Use Tools: Try keyword tools to find different ways to say your main words.

  • Think of Alternatives: Brainstorm to find other keywords that work.

  • Make Lists: Keep lists of different words and ways to say things.

12. Keyword Tools:

  • Put in Main Words: Use tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs with your main words.

  • Check Insights: Look at what these tools tell you, like how often keywords are searched, how many others use them, and suggestions for related words.

  • Update Regularly: Keep changing your keyword plan based on the newest info from these tools.

Knowing how to do keyword research is very important. Just like Warren Buffett once said, "The best investment you can make is in yourself." When it comes to the online world, investing time in doing good keyword research is like investing in the success of your stuff on the internet.

Here's a cool statistic: A recent study found that websites that pick the right keywords and use them well get about 10.3% more people clicking on their web page in search results. That's a big deal and shows how important it is to choose your keywords wisely.

So, to sum it up, think about what Confucius said: "Success depends upon previous preparation, and without such preparation, there is sure to be failure." Doing keyword research is like getting ready for success online. When you understand what words people are looking for, how often, and why, you're making sure your content not only exists but also ranks well and fast in the Google search results above other websites who do SEO as well. So, as you start doing your keyword research, remember, it's not just about the words; it's about connecting with the people who use them online while searching Google, Bing, Yahoo and other search engines.